BRICS Solution Awards


BRICS Solution Awards
Мониторинг наружного освещения
Мониторинг наружного освещения

Мониторинг наружного освещения

Application software "Monitoring of outdoor lighting in the Moscow region"

System for Activating Low Temperature and Emergency Treatment of High Temperature in New Energy Vehicle Batteries
System for Activating Low Temperature and Emergency Treatment of High Temperature in New Energy Vehicle Batteries

System for Activating Low Temperature and Emergency Treatment of High Temperature in New Energy Vehicle Batteries

In response to the current issues of low-temperature capacity attenuation and out-of-control fire at high temperatures in new energy batteries, our project has successfully developed a lithium battery control system that integrates low-temperature and high-efficiency discharge, as well as high-temperature emergency treatment. In low temperature environments, the system activates the lithium battery cell through a large current discharge module to achieve efficient discharge. This activation improves the discharge efficiency of the lithium battery in cold temperatures, allowing electric vehicles to maintain good endurance in cold areas. In high temperature environments, the system monitors the temperature and smoke concentration of the lithium battery in real time using temperature acquisition and smoke acquisition modules. If the lithium battery temperature is too high or if smoke concentration exceeds standard levels, the system will immediately activate a high temperature emergency module to quickly cut off power supply and isolate air. This prevents thermal runaway, fire, explosion, and other safety accidents. The system has been successfully tested in real cars and applied to retired batteries with positive results—improving their utilization rate. This achievement not only provides strong support for developing new energy electric vehicles but also offers an effective solution for mitigating extreme temperatures' impact on lithium battery performance. In terms of decommissioned batteries, this technology addresses accumulation problems by increasing their utilization rate—ultimately improving sustainable development within new energy battery technology.

Sustainable hydrogen supply chain development for low-carbon transportation in a fossil-based port region: A case study in a tourism hub
Sustainable hydrogen supply chain development for low-carbon transportation in a fossil-based port region: A case study in a tourism hub

Sustainable hydrogen supply chain development for low-carbon transportation in a fossil-based port region: A case study in a tourism hub

The transportation sector is one of the main factors of carbon emissions in the world, to reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector, the development of electric and hydrogen transportation is one of the promising options. Hydrogen cars have received much attention in recent years due to their fast charging time compared to electric cars. The biggest problem in the development of hydrogen transportation is the provision of the hydrogen supply chain. In this project, it has been tried to use the available local resources to supply the hydrogen needed in the study area.

Сверхтонкая теплоизоляция "Броня" в атомной промышленности
Сверхтонкая теплоизоляция "Броня" в атомной промышленности

Сверхтонкая теплоизоляция "Броня" в атомной промышленности

Thermal insulation of pipelines: As for the pipelines of both cold water supply (in order to eliminate condensation) and hot (to reduce heat loss) (the link provides many examples of the use of "Armor" on pipes: /). To simplify it a lot, instead of 5 cm min. cotton wool needs only 1.5 mm "Armor", and if the surface is 120℃, then only 2-2.5 mm so that the surface is 45℃. Thermal insulation of brick, metal and house pipes both for the purpose of identical standard thermal insulation (reduction of heat loss, thermal shock and destruction of pipes), and repair of old pipes (balance of the dew point of brick pipes to increase and extend their service life), elimination of condensation of flue and exhaust pipes (easily solved with the help of our thermal insulation). Thermal insulation of equipment, furnaces, boilers, gas tanks, etc. Pre-insulated pipe with a heating satellite. Fire protection: We have certified materials for fire protection (120 min), structural fire protection (150-240 min), as well as simply non-flammable, fire-resistant paint (NG modifications) (for more information, see the section "Fire protection (R120) and structural Fire protection (R240)" High temperature scheme: Proposed scheme (Patent No. 118654 "Thermal insulation coating" from 02/22/2012.) allows you to reduce the temperature from +350°C to a safe temperature of +60 °C or even +45°With a total application thickness of 1.5 cm; Fire, oil fuel and other tanks, tankers, containers.

The AIS “Dispatcher" automated information system for the industrial equipment monitoring
The AIS “Dispatcher" automated information system for the industrial equipment monitoring

The AIS “Dispatcher" automated information system for the industrial equipment monitoring

In the large-scale production, some of the main challenges are the lack of control over operation of an industrial estate and the absence of rapid response mechanisms meant to identify bottlenecks during the manufacturing process. The single information space created for the equipment monitoring provides real time operations tracking and notifies of issues occurring at the production sites, which as a result makes the response time to fix the issue much shorter.

Digital Health Services
Digital Health Services

Digital Health Services

Problem Users: Difficulty obtaining health information, finding qualified medical care and information on treatment, as well as insufficient completeness of online resources on the health of a young mother, child and loved one, as well as the lack of opportunity to evaluate the adoption of preventive measures at early stages. Specialists: Difficulty finding information on internships and cooperation, finding mentors and self-education, finding specialized information, exchanging experience and the lack of a personnel reserve in a single system that simplifies the search for qualified specialists Solution 1 - Develop four main areas: Childhood, Become a mother, Oncological care, Palliative care Prepare the opportunity to undergo testing for oncological care 2 - Provide users with the opportunity to use the "Library" functionality, which implements access to thematic introductory materials and useful literature in accordance with the subject of the service. 3 - Implement the ability to separate content according to the role model (User / Specialist) 4 - Provide users with the functionality to carry out self-diagnosis activities in order to take early measures. 5 - Implement the functionality of generating advice based on users completing surveys in order to promote registration for diagnostics 6 - Implement the functionality of feedback from specialist to specialist 7 - Develop a personal account that will aggregate basic information about the user and the thematic portal

Twinreality AI
Twinreality AI

Twinreality AI

We reached out to our potential clients from film studios, ads agencies and game studios to identify their key video production challenges. The main problems they cited were high costs, lack of qualified personnel, and lengthy timelines. TwinrealityAI's solution addresses the key pain points of video production - our AI-powered platform streamlines the entire process, dramatically reducing costs, eliminating talent shortages, and slashing timelines. This makes professional-grade video content creation accessible to businesses of all sizes.



INDEX5 is a videoconferencing system with instant analytics of non-verbal reactions of users. INDEX5 displays the level of attentiveness of each participant, allowing the speaker to immediately determine the interest in the content and groups the audience into three groups according to the level of attentiveness of the participants. Using computer vision increase the productivity and efficiency of each participant of the online conference. At the end of the meeting, you can download a report with detailed analysis of all participants of the online conference

Digital quality control and maintenance system of EVNAT
Digital quality control and maintenance system of EVNAT

Digital quality control and maintenance system of EVNAT

The problem: Storing oil and petroleum products in reservoirs is associated with inevitable losses in quality and quantity. This is due to: • Evaporation of light fractions: When the tank is breathing (pressure changes), light fractions evaporate, which reduces the quality of the product. • Oxidation of additives: Additives are oxidized in the tanks, which leads to the formation of coagulants that degrade the quality of the product. • Accumulation of substandard layer: A sediment is formed in the tank, consisting of raw water, chloride salts and other impurities that reduce the quality of the product. • Shrinkage - stratification: Petroleum products can be stratified, which leads to the formation of sediment and uneven composition. Implemented solution: The digital quality control and maintenance system EVNAT is an innovative solution to minimize the loss of quality and quantity of petroleum products in tanks. The system provides: • Real-time quality control: Monitoring of parameters (temperature, level, density) and detection of deviations from the norm. • Management of the quality preservation/restoration process: Automated mixing of the product in the tank to give and maintain the uniformity of the product. • Optimization of storage processes: Reduction of evaporation of light fractions and minimization of sediment formation. • Improving efficiency: Reducing losses in the quality and quantity of oil and petroleum products, increasing shelf life, reducing production costs.

Энергоэффективность и экологичность сверхтонких теплоизоляционных покрытий Броня
Энергоэффективность и экологичность сверхтонких теплоизоляционных покрытий Броня

Энергоэффективность и экологичность сверхтонких теплоизоляционных покрытий Броня

Our company's products are environmentally friendly, preserve the architectural features of buildings, and the result is reduced consumption of thermal energy, making the coated material non-flammable, increasing the service life of structures and the thermal insulation material itself. The problem is the need for energy efficiency and energy conservation measures to reduce or prevent greenhouse gas emissions, which is a crucial issue in the context of global warming and climate change. Moreover, the problem is not only emissions of harmful substances and the thinning of the ozone layer, but also the “heating” of the environment. By 2050, the EU countries plan to become completely carbon neutral. Therefore, environmentally friendly and carbon neutral solutions are significant directions in industry and home ownership. We offer a product that does not “cosmetically”, but really contributes to improving the environmental friendliness of production, reducing heat losses from households, and is also used to impart non-flammable properties to the coated material, which is confirmed by the certificates we have received and the feedback from our customers.

JFarm Services
JFarm Services

JFarm Services

Agriculture, with its allied sectors, is the largest source of livelihood in India. 70% of India’s rural households still depend primarily on agriculture for their livelihood, with 82% of farmers being small and marginal. These small and marginal farmers have limited access to farm mechanization as ownership of farm equipment is highly unviable for them. They are completely dependent on the farm machinery available nearby and the conditions imposed by the rental service providers. The small, dispersed landholdings further hinders the accessibility of farm machinery and serves as a deterrent to the economies of scale for the service providers. Thereby, majority of the small and marginal farmers are compelled to follow inefficient farming practices. To enhance the access to farm mechanization for the small and marginal farmers, in 2018 TAFE launched a unique phygital farmer-to-farmer platform through the CSR initiative – JFarm Services. With estimated 85 lakhs tractors available in India, JFarm Services intends to provide a channel for all farmers across India to access mechanized farming practices. Being a brand agnostic platform, farm machinery from all manufacturers across the world can be listed in JFarm Services. Farmers in need of farm equipment on rent can conveniently book the rental order through any suitable channel- a mobile app or toll free call-center. Also, machinery owners interested to become entrepreneurs can list their tractors and implements, which will be available for hiring by farmers. As per the modus operandi, the rental orders booked by farmers are broadcasted to entrepreneurs nearby through our backend engine. The renter entrepreneurs accepting to service the rental orders are then connected with the concerned farmers. Being a CSR initiative, no listing fee or commissions are charged from the users. The respective rental amount should be paid by the farmer to service provider directly. Through this intervention, farmers have easy access to the required farm equipment resulting in improved yield, thereby taking the farmers forward towards enhancing their income as envisioned by the Government of India. Further, the aggregated demand for mechanization provides immense entrepreneurship scope in rural space for shared economy business models. To provide a comprehensive solution to farmers to enable better income realization, customized training programs are organized for farmers through JFarm Services platform on crop management and machinery maintenance. Further, JFarm Services platform support the farmers to decide the preferred channel of selling their farm produce.



Problems: - Lack of or Underdeveloped Cooperation Mechanisms: There are either no or poorly developed mechanisms for cooperation and knowledge and skill exchange in the field of personnel training for the energy transition among BRICS countries. The list of problems and a description of the solution did not fit in the response form and is provided in a file in the application attachment

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